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Conventional Ignition System Maintenance

Ignition system is the main system on the machine, where the fuel forward to other propulsion systems. So the ignition system is vital in the vehicle or machinery. There are many ignition system on the machine, such as a conventional ignition system which is very well known in the world of machinery and automotive. From the start of the rock breaking machine and engine super car, so many that use conventional ignition system. Let us discuss about this ignition system maintenance.

Step work or things that are done in a conventional ignition system maintenance is as follows:
  • Visually inspect abnormalities in the ignition system components and circuits.
  • Checking, cleaning and setting the spark plug gap.
  • Check
and clean the high-voltage cable.
  • Inspect, clean the rotor and distributor cap.
  • Check nok, centrifugal and vacuum advancer advancer.
  • Checking the ignition coil.
  • Checking, cleaning and setting the gap platinum / set the dwell angle.

  • Conventional Ignition System Maintenance

    Visually inspect abnormalities in the ignition system components and circuits

    Checking the battery electrolyte (less or not), check the battery terminal connections (dirty or not), check the condition of the battery cables from the possibility of breaking or burning.
    Checking the ignition coil terminal of the possibility of dirty, loose wires, broken, burned or cracked body.
    Check the distributor of the possibility cracked, dirty, worn and mounting terminal poor.
    Checking the spark plug wire from the possibility or less precise installation.

    Inspect, clean and adjust the spark plug gap
    The steps are as follows:

    Remove the high-voltage cable that attaches dibusi, record sequence detachable cable that ignition sequence is not wrong, because the spark plug wires should be installed in accordance with the ignition sequence or firing order (FO) are correct.
    Remove the spark plugs, one by one, check how the colors and carbon deposits on the spark plug cavity, the condition of the spark plug electrodes and insert the tray containing gasoline.
    Clean the spark plug cavity using a brush and clean the spark plug electrodes with sandpaper. Caution: Do not clean the dirt on the spark plug cavity with a hard object, such as a small screwdriver or wire because dikhawatirkann porcelain insulator is cracked so that spark die.
    set the spark plug electrode gap according to the prescribed specifications of the vehicle.

    Check and clean the high-voltage cable

    Remove the high-voltage cables, clean the cable ends of the possibility of rust using sandpaper.
    Check the cable prisoners using ohm meter (multi-meter section ohm selector position on 1xK), cable prisoners should be less than 25 kilo ohms.

    Things to note: do not bend or pull cables can cause damage excessive high voltage cables.

    Inspect, clean the rotor and distributor cap

    Remove the distributor cap to release the latch hooks.
    Check the distributor cap from the possibility of cracking, rust / dirty on the high voltage terminal.
    Clean the high voltage terminal with sandpaper.
    Remove the rotor, clean the rust / deposits at the end of the rotor using sandpaper.

    Check nok, centrifugal
    advancer and vacuum advancer

    Check the shaft surface of the rooftop of the possibility of wear, wear and tear can be visually seen from the number of scratches on a rooftop. Lubricate the pivot using grease.
    Check the centrifugal working advancer by: Replace the rotor that has been cleared, turn the rotor in the direction of rotation of the rotor when the engine life. Remove the rotor, the rotor must be immediately returned. uncomfortable rotor should not be excessive when rotated.
    Check the vacuum advancer by: loose vacuum hose, connect it to a vacuum pump, do the pumping, observe platinum holder (breaker plate) should move. When you do not have a vacuum pump can be smoked in a strong way.

    Steps to check the ignition coil namely:

    Set the multi-meter selector towards X1ohm, calibration ohm meter by connecting both plug gauge, set the appointment of the needle right at 0 ohms, if the adjustment is not achieved check / replace the battery multi-meter.
    Check prisoners measuring resistor by connecting plug on both resistors. Value detainees should 1.3-1.5 ohm resistor. In the ignition coil types of internal resistors, resistor measurement by measuring the terminal connecting plug (B) and terminal (+)