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Tips Cleaning The Car Ceiling

In addition to Caring For Car Air Conditioner, the inside of the car that often escape our attention is, the ceiling of the car. Though the car ceiling cleanliness must be maintained. If the ceiling is dirty and dusty could pose a risk of disease. In addition to cleaning the ceiling of the car, the car also looks clean and comfortable to drive.

If one of the ceiling of the car cleaning, car ceiling might even be loose, perforated or tear. Likewise in treating leather upholstery. So how to clean the ceiling of the car right ? Learn tips cleaning the car ceiling right below:

Tips Cleaning The Car Ceiling

  • Wash the car ceiling by using a soft cloth or a special cloth such as a microfiber.
  • Lightly moisten with a little water and wipe with a pressure which is not too hard.
  • If there are stains on the ceiling of the car, you should use a special cleaner for fiber cloth.
  • If there are stubborn stains should not be forced to clean it, especially with the use of chemicals that are not known how it works, you should take it to an expert or a car salon in order to get proper treatment.
  • Avoid using a vacuum cleaner to clean the ceiling of the car because of its suction can make easy Cars sagging ceiling. Even if using a vacuum cleaner, sucking her choose the mode light.
Thus the article on how to clean the car ceiling can we say. Follow our news from the other in Electronic And Mechanic.